Monday, May 9

1000mm arm expands Toshiba Machine six axis range

~ TM Robotics predicts high take up in manufacturing industry at UK launch ~

TM Robotics has provided a European launch for the second robot in the Toshiba Machine range of six axis units. The new TV1000 robot joins the recently launched TV800 and provides an additional arm length option for larger scale applications. The robot is the second machine in the series and is ideal for the general manufacturing sector, where it will find uses in countless pick and place applications.

The easy to use TV1000 has a total arm length of 1000mm, a reach of 1090mm and a composite maximum speed of 9.61 metres per second. The robot has a maximum cycle time of 0.6 to 0.7 seconds, repeatability of ±0.03mm and a maximum payload of five kilograms. It is controlled using Toshiba Machine’s new TS3100 controller, which is programmed in SCOL, a language similar to BASIC - as are all Toshiba Machine industrial robots.  The TS3100 features a built-in Ethernet port, making conveyor and vision synchronisation simple. The controller also includes the built-in TCmini PLC, which allows control of I/O equipment, regardless of operation and program.

“Having recently sold our first TV800s in the UK, it’s really exciting to be able to offer another option in the series,” explained Nigel Smith, managing director of TM Robotics. “Industry is wising up to the fact that automated manufacturing means easier, less expensive and more efficient production. And, as the prolonged recession in the UK and the recent recessions in other European nations are still affecting European manufacturing, these are the qualities that end users of robotics are looking for.”

The new six axis robot uses an absolute position detection system, with a robust AC motor at its heart. Axes one to six offer working envelopes of ±170º, -100 – +150º, -127 – +167º, ±190º, ±120º and ±360º respectively. They also feature maximum speeds of 237º/S, 240º/S, 288º/S, 350.5º/S, 484º/S, and 576º/S respectively. The allowable moment of inertia on axis four and five is 0.3kg/m2 and on axis six its 0.5kg/m2.
A copy of this press release is available to download at

Ends: 355 words

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For further information contact:Nigel Smith - TM Robotics (Europe) Ltd
Unit 2, Bridge Gate Centre, Martinfield,
Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 1JG
Telephone: +44 (0)1707 290370
Fax: +44 (0)1707 376662
www: and

Press enquiries: Oana Baetica
Stone Junction, Business Innovation Centre
Staffordshire Technology Park, Beaconside, Stafford, St16 1DS
Telephone: +44 (0) 1785 225416

About TM Robotics: TM Robotics (Europe) Ltd is responsible for the sales, marketing and support of Toshiba Machine's Industrial Robots throughout Europe. The two companies offer an extensive range of SCARA and Cartesian robots, sold with the aid of a comprehensive network of system integration partners and distributors. Toshiba Machine’s SCARA robots find applications in industries ranging from food and pharmaceuticals to electronics, packaging and automotive component handling.

Ref: TRE157/08/10
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