Thursday, April 27

Conveyor tracking with industry leading SCARA at Automatica

TM Robotics, Toshiba Machine’s European robot partner, will be showing an advanced conveyor tracking system at Automatica, Munich, from May 16-19. The system uses two TH450 SCARA robots and an advanced vision system, to track, recognise and pick items as they move along a conveyor. Fast, flexible and cost effective Toshiba Machine’s TH robot series finds homes in a host of pick and place applications.

(Produced for Engineeringtalk and Manufacturingtalk Extra)

Tuesday, April 25

Welcome to TM Robotics (Europe) Limited - PR material

Welcome to TM Robotics (Europe) Limited - PR material. From here you can copy and paste the text of any of TM Robotics' press releases. If you would like a high resolution copy of an image, simply e-mail