Thursday, June 22

High fat + high sugar = low sales

This letter was sent by Nigel Smith, MD of TM Robotics, to the editors of selected food and engineering magazines. It was in response to several articles about a survey conducted by RTS Flexible Systems:

Dear Editor,

A recent survey on adoption of robotics in the food industry, by RTS Flexible Systems, highlighted some interesting issues. However, one factor this otherwise excellent research didn’t consider was the current state of the food market. With sales of traditional food items and highly processed food falling in the last quarter, and sales of health food rising, we can now see real evidence that the British publics’ eating habits are changing. UK food manufacturers need to change or extend their product ranges to include more health food and alternative food products. Unless you are a manufacturer that has found a profitable niche market, high fat and high sugar now equal low sales.

Without recognition of this, in the shape of greater flexibility on the factory floor, I doubt whether the long term contracts between manufacturer and retailer, called for in the survey, will be forthcoming.

As RTS rightly points out, robotics can help manufacturers achieve the required innovation. Automation provides the flexibility required to switch a line from making high fat foods to more saleable items very quickly. And when another factor, such as seasonal demand for instance, results in the public and thus the supermarket buyers craving less healthy products once more, robotics offers the flexibility to change back almost overnight. When more food manufacturers start to take their own advice and automate, they may well find that the long term contracts they are looking for become a little easier to get signed.

Best regards,

Nigel Smith
Managing director
TM Robotics (Europe) Ltd
Unit 15
The Weltech Centre
Welwyn Garden City
Tel: ++44 (0) 1707 871535